
Garudan Released

"Garudan," a Tamil action-drama movie, directed by R. S. Durai Senthilkumar, was released in theatres on May 31, 2024. The story was written by Vetrimaaran. Vetrimaaran's film company, Grass Root Films and K. Kumar's company, Lark Studios, teamed up to make the movie. Soori, M. Sasikumar, and Unni Mukundan are the leading actors. The movie also includes Revathi Sharma, Sshivada, Samuthirakani, Rajendran, and Mime Gopi.

Garudan tells the story of Sokkan, a trusted friend stuck between two childhood buddies, Aadhi and Karuna. As things change, Sokkan has to decide who to be loyal to. This struggle leads to betrayal and a fight for Sokkan to stay alive.

The movie has been a big hit with both audiences and critics, impressed by the actors' performances, the writing, the directing, and the background music.

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